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The documentation is generated by MkDocs with the Material for MkDocs Theme. MkDocs is a static site generator wich uses Markdown as markup language. For a Markdown cheat sheet click here.

Local build

Use the following command to build a local instance:

mkdocs serve
The documentation can be accessed on the local address shown in the terminal (http://localhost:8000)


mkdocs handles updates of your .md code automatically. You don't need to run the command twice when updates are made. Assuming you are still in the same session


When the documentation is ready it can be uploaded to GitHub using:

mkdocs gh-deploy

This will automatically build an upload the site to GitHub using the branch gh-pages.


Please avoid modifying the branch gh-pages manually.

Useful Commands


Diagrams can be created by using mermaid. Mermaid can be used by creating a code-block with the mermaid language tag.

<your diagram>

Last update: 2022-02-13
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