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  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • CO2


  • NDIR CO2 sensor technology
  • Integrated temperature and humidity sensor
  • Dual-channel detection for superior stability
  • Small form factor: 35 mm x 23 mm x 7 mm
  • Measurement range: 400 ppm – 10.000 ppm
  • Accuracy: ±(30 ppm + 3%)
  • Current consumption: 19 mA @ 1 meas. per 2 s.
  • Fully calibrated and linearized
  • Digital interface UART or I2C


The SCD-30 is an NDIR sensor, which is a 'true' CO2 sensor, that will tell you the CO2 PPM (parts-per-million) composition of ambient air. Perfect for environmental sensing, scientific experiments, air quality and ventilation studies and more.

Data is read over I2C, so it works very nicely with just about any microcontroller or microcomputer.



Last update: 2022-02-13
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