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The EspComponent class serves as a general purpose super-class. It defines generic methods which should be implemented in sub-classes. All methods operate as virtual, therefore it is possible (more or less expected) to override these functions. EspComponent shall define a generalized interface in order to keep the code clean.


In order to be as generalized as possible the EspComponent class implements a template. This template is later used as the data type of the transfer parameter for the function setup().

virtual void setup(T setup_config){};

Due to the characteristic of templateparameters T can be any valid data type. Therefore the setup() method serves as an ideal interface in order to be implemented in all sorts of sub-class. E.g:

class NewSubClass : public EspComponent<uint8_t>{
    void setup(uint8_t X) override; 

Last update: 2022-02-14
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