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Configuration basics

This repository initilitzes and configures a docker container which already installs the AWS CLI inside. In order to maintain a good security policy, the configuration of the AWS CLI can't be done in advance. To use all features this repository provides, the AWS CLI needs to be configures right after cloning and initalizing the docker container


IAM and AWS Security

The setup is rather easy. First make sure that your AWS account has a key pair for authentication in the terminal. This part part is often done by an AWS administrator account, who can manage all users.

  1. Open the IAM Console
  2. Click on users and select the desired user
  3. Head over to Security credentials / Access key
  4. Click on Create Access key
  5. Next an overlay will pop up and provide you with a downloadable .csv file which stores your:
    1. AWS Acess Key ID
    2. AWS Secret Access Key
  6. Keep in mind: the .csv is just downloadable once!

Configure the terminal

With your key pair ready to go, the next step is the configuration of your AWS CLI instance

Therfore type:

$ aws configure

Next there should be guided interface which lets you fill in your credentials

AWS Access Key ID [None]: your ID
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: your Secret
Default region name [None]: your default region
Default output format [None]: json

Additional information

A detailed configuration documentation can be found at:

Last update: 2022-02-08
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